International UAS Exam Finland

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to study programmes leading to a degree and conducted in English. You are participating in the International UAS Exam only once, regardless of the number of your study programme.The entrance exam consists of two phases organised remotely online:

1First Phase: Written Examination

2. Second Phase: Group Interview

The final student selection is made on the basis of the written exam (60%) and the group interview (40%).In the entrance examination, the applicants’ readiness for UAS studies are assessed. The entrance exam does not include any advance reading materials or pre-assignments.

1. First Phase Written Examination: Contents, Duration and Scoring

The entrance examination is conducted in the English language. The contents and duration of the exam are determined on the basis of the study programmes you apply for. You complete at one time all the exam sections that apply to the study programmes you apply for. The entrance exam includes both common exam sections to all applicants and field-specific exam sections. In order to be invited to the second phase group interview, you have to pass all the exam sections.

A specific completion time has been determined for each exam section. When the section-specific time is up, the section closes. If you don’t finish the section, its latest version will be saved as your answer. You can complete the exam sections in any order but every opened section has to be completed all at once, and you cannot return to the section later. In addition to the section-specific times, there is 15 minutes for transitions between sections in the entrance exam.

Common exam sections to all study programmes:

2. Second phase: Group interview

In this phase, students are required to prove their communication skills.

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udemy International UAS Finnish Entrance Exam Mock Test Mathematical Skills 

For – Business Administration, Technology, Seafaring, BIT, Natural Resources, Tourism and Hospitality, Health Care, Sports.

udemy International UAS Finnish Entrance Exam Mock Test for Common Sections(Logical reasoning, English, and Mathematical skills)

For – Business Administration, Technology, Seafaring, BIT, Natural Resources, Tourism and Hospitality, Health Care, Sports.

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